Week 1: Introduction

     Outline of the course.
     Survey of historiography.
     Historiography, ethnography, mythography.
     Social basis of history in the ancient world.
     Ancient approaches to history and history writing

Week 2: Herodotus I

     Introduction: 1.1-5
     The Story of Croesus: 1.26-56 & 71-91
     Customs of the Persians: 1.131-140
     The Nile: 2.19-34
     Darius and the Persian Empire: 3.80-97
     Indian Gold: 3.98-105

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 3: Herodotus II

     Sparta, Athens and Persia: 5.49-54 & 97-105
     Battle of Marathon: 6.94-117
     Xerxes' Decision: 7.8-21
     The Greeks Prepare: 7.138-144
     Battle of Thermopylae: 7.198-238
     Delphi and the Battle of Salamis: 8.36-97
     Beginnings of the Athenian Empire: 9.114-122

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 4: Thucydides I

     Introduction: 1.1-23
     The Debate at Sparta: 1.66-88
     Pentecontaetia (479-431 B.C.): 1.89-146
     The Funeral Speech: 2.34-46
     Plague at Athens: 2.47-54
     The Mytilenean Debate: 3.25-28 & 35-50

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 5: Thucydides II

     Revolution at Corcyra: 3.70-85
     The Melian Dialogue: 5.84-116
     The Sicilian Expedition: 6.8-53; 96-104; 7.1-8; 42-87
     Athenian Defeats & the Council of 400: 8.1-5; 63-70; 89-98

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 6: Xenophon

     The Battle of Aegospotami (405 B.C.): 2.1.10-32
     Tyranny of the Thirty at Athens & the Death of Theramenes: 2.3.1-56
     The Peace Conference of 371 B.C. & the Battle of Leuctra: 6.3.1-4.20
     Alliance of Sparta and Athens & Theban Invasions of the Peloponnese: 7.1.1-46
     Campaign of Mantinea (362 B.C.): 7.5.1-27

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 7: Polybius

     Introduction and the Rise of Rome: 1.1-5
     Origins of the Second Punic War: 3.1-17 & 20-33
     The Battle of Cannae (218 B.C.): 3.106-118
     The Roman Constitution: 6.11-18
     The Roman Military System 6.19-42
     The Customs of the Romans 6.51-56

          Identifications & Discussion Questions


Week 8: Livy I

     Preface to the History of Rome
     Romulus and the Founding of Rome: 1.1-16
     The Battle of the Horatii and Curiatii: 1.22-26
     Aftermath of the Battle of Cannae: 22.58-61
     The Spolia Opima: 4.19-20

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 9: Sallust

     The Conspiracy of Catiline (entire)   (Latin)   (English)   (French)

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 10: Caesar

     Caesar Subdues the Nervii and Treviri; Caesar Invades Germany
     Gallic Revolt; Defeat of Vercingetorix
     The Civil War Begins
     Caesar in Rome; Pompey Prepares in the East
     The Battle of Pharsalus
     The Death of Pompey the Great

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 11: Tacitus I

     Introduction to the Annales & Death of Augustus (1.1-15)
     Treason Trial under Tiberius (1.83-86)
     From Republic to Monarchy (3.25-29)
     Condemnation of Cremutius Cordus; Tiberius and Sejanus (4.23-41; 57-59; 67)
     Death of Livia (5.1-5)

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

Week 12: Tacitus II

     New Sibylline Book, Treason Trials, Financial Crisis, Tiberius and Astrology, Deaths of Drusus and Agrippina (Book VI, A.D. 32-33)
     Death of Tiberius (A.D. 37)
     Claudius the Emperor, Provincials Added to Senate; Conspiracy of Silius and Messalina (Book XI, A.D. 47-48)
     Claudius Marries Agrippina the Younger, Claudius Adopts Nero, War with Caractacus in Britain, Death of Claudius (Book 12, A.D. 48-54)
     Promising Beginning of Nero's Reign, Murder of Britannicus (Book 13, A.D. 54-58)
     Murder of Agrippina the Younger (Book 14, A.D. 59) & The Great Fire at Rome (Book 15, A.D. 64)

          Identifications & Discussion Questions

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